Medicare Counseling is provided through the Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) at VPAS. VICAP is part of a nationwide network of health insurance assistance programs. Trained and certified counselors assist older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers to understand and compare Medicare and other health insurance benefits.
VICAP counselors are not associated with any insurance company and do not sell insurance products. Counseling is unbiased, confidential, and is offered by appointment. VICAP is offered at various locations throughout the VPAS service area.
Counselors can help with:
Medicare Basics for persons newly enrolling to Medicare.
Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D).
Applying for Extra Help in paying for Part D premiums and drug costs.
Applying for Medicare Savings Programs for help with Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-payments.
Medicare Advantage Health Plans.
Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap).
Long Term Care Insurance
Understanding medical and insurance statements.
Filing claims and appeals.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse.
Medicare Open Enrollment Period
The Open Enrollment Period (OEP) is October 15 – December 7. This is the annual time for considering changes to coverage for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans.
The new year can bring increases to premiums, drug copays, and other out of pocket costs. Changes to plan provider networks can occur and extra benefits, such as dental and vision, can change from year to year. VPAS' VICAP Counselors will help you evaluate the benefits you need, understand the out of pocket costs, and stay informed about which pharmacies and medical providers your plan works best with. You can also be screened for programs of financial assistance and receive help with applying.
Changes to Medicare plans during Open Enrollment will take effect January 1 of the following year.
New to Medicare? If you are preparing to turn 65 years old and need help understanding Medicare, we can help. VPAS' certified staff are trained and available to provide you with information to help you better understand Medicare coverage.
Do You Need Help Paying Your Plan Costs? You may qualify for Social Security’s Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Program. If eligible, it can lower the cost of obtaining your medications. Call Social Security at 1.800.772.1213 for more details or go to www.ssa.gov. You may qualify for Medicaid, which also helps pay these costs, so contact your Medicaid office.
Additional Resources
Medicare.gov: The official U.S. Government site for Medicare. Extensive information on Medicare benefits. Helpful for finding health and drug plans available in local area by zip code.
https://scc.virginia.gov/pages/Senior-Resources: Virginia's State Corporation Commission site offers many helpful resources about Medicare plans and Medigap plan choices and premiums.
LongTermCare.gov: This site is managed by the US Department of Health & Human Services. It offers objective information on long-term care insurance and provides valuable tools to help people begin a process of planning.
Links to licensed long-term insurance carriers: This site lists long-term care insurance carriers authorized to sell in Virginia by the Virginia Bureau of Insurers.
Medicare Special Enrollment Periods
If you missed a Medicare enrollment period, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in Medicare Part B and/or premium Part A without penalty.
There are Special Enrollment Periods for certain situations, including losing Medicaid, being released from incarceration, and living in an area impacted by an emergency or disaster.
This fact sheet is a handy reference explaining what's considered an exceptional circumstance when it comes to Medicare enrollment.
Voluntary and confidential contributions are always accepted and appreciated.