Dementia Education


Dementia-Friendly Communities

Every 65 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. As the population ages rapidly, the incidence of dementia is expected to increase. In 2014, there were 5 million people in the U.S. with dementia.  The CDC estimates that by 2060, that number will grow to 14 million. They're not all clustered in nursing homes being cared for by specialists.  In fact, most of them live within the same community the rest of us do.

We need to make it easier for them, their caregivers, and all the people with whom they interact.  We need lunches that end in laughter instead of frustration.

Fortunately, a dementia-friendly movement is underway to ensure that people living with dementia have the resources and support they need to live independently and well for as long as possible. The City of Lexington and the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County region are now designated as Dementia Friendly Communities by Dementia Friendly America. We are seeking Dementia-Friendly designations in communities throughout our entire service area. 

You can make a difference by participating in a Dementia Friends workshop or inviting us to provide a Dementia Friends at Work session for your business, organization or faith community. Click here to register for VPAS' Dementia centered workshops. 

VPAS also offers The Virtual Dementia Tour at various locations. The tour is not virtual reality, it is an in-person experience that simulates what it may be like to live with dementia. It is an often emotional and eye opening experience for those who have loved ones living wit dementia. 

Additionally we also offer activities for persons with dementia and those that care for them and you can check out a Dementia Care Kit from your local VPAS office. 

Here is a video that provides basic information about dementia: Dementia: Five Key Messages.