The statistics about senior hunger and social isolation may surprise you. Take a look at this fact sheet. It's a problem that is escalating in our area, but Meals on Wheels is a proven solution that keeps homebound older adults safe, healthy and independent.
What are Meals on Wheels?
Nutritious, healthy meals providing one-third of the dietary reference intake (DRI) delivered to the homes of older adults who cannot prepare such a meal for themselves.
Who may receive Meals on Wheels?
Older adults who:
- Are 60 years or older and reside in a VPAS served region.
- Are unable to leave the home to attend regular social activities.
- Are unable to prepare meals for themselves.
- Are able to safely remain at home with meals as a support service.
- Lack meal support/preparation from family members or other individuals.
**Monthly frozen meals are provided for those who reside outside of a hot meal delivery route.
What does the Meals on Wheels program provide?
- A home visit from the Case Manager for an initial eligibility assessment, telephone follow up, annual reassessment for eligibility, and additional home visits as necessary.
- A variety of hot and cold meals consisting of meat or other protein food, vegetables, fruit, bread, milk, and dessert.
- Daily social contact and wellness check from a VPAS staff or volunteer delivering the meal.
**Meals on Wheels provides a regular diet only. Special diets such as diabetic, renal, and vegetarian are not available.
How much do Meals on Wheels cost?
There is no minimum charge for meals, however, voluntary contributions are accepted and encouraged according to one’s financial ability. Contributions support the operation of the Meals on Wheels program. All contributions are voluntary, private, and confidential.
Who delivers Meals on Wheels?
Meals are delivered by staff and volunteers. Delivery schedule depends on meal recipient location.
What do our recipients say?
"Every time the presentation of the meal from the drivers is excellent and respectful. They are very nice, good people who also check on you to make sure you're doing o.k. The person who delivers my meal is always very concerned with anything pertaining to my health and welfare." - Meal Recipient
"Meals on Wheels has saved me. The program is a blessing." - Meal Recipient
Learn if you or a loved one is eligible for meals on wheels.
Voluntary and confidential contributions are always accepted and appreciated.